Academic and Career Counseling

The purpose of counseling may vary, depending on the student.
Teachers and counselors support students in pursuit of their desired path.
Academic Counseling
CBC provides the following measures and guidance to students wishing to enter graduate school, university or college:
Measures and Guidance
- Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students
- Japanese Language Proficiency Test N1 and N2
- Orientation for those who wish to enter university or college
- Academic counseling and interview guidance by teachers
- Academic guidance, providing school information and materials
- Providing information about university and college fairs
List of institutions CBC graduates have enrolled
[Graduate School] The
University of Tokyo, Keio University, Waseda University, University of Tsukuba, Nagoya University, Hokkaido University, Kyushu University, Yokohama National University, Saitama University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Nihon University, etc.
Keio University / Waseda University / Aoyama Gakuin University / Meiji University / Rikkyo University / Sophia University / Chuo University / Yokohama National University / Ritsumeikan University / Senshu University / Nihon University / Komazawa University / Hosei University / Dokkyo University / Kanagawa University / Ibaraki University / Yamanashi University / Tama Art University / Japan Women’s University / Tokai University / Takushoku University / Teikyo University / Oberlin University / Women’s Art University / Meiji Gakuin University / Daito Bunka University / Tokyo Christian University / Meikai University / Matsumoto Dental University / Kyoto University of Art and Design, etc.
For information about CBC specialized courses click here.
Career Counseling
For students who wish to find a job, CBC provides mock interviews and guidance on how to fill out an application, and so forth. The Department of Business Japanese offers an internship program and a class on business etiquette.
Measures and Guidance
- How to fill out application and develop a CV
- Job search orientation
- Job Interview preparation and how to write a self-promotion
- Business etiquette
- Career guidance and providing information about a job fair
- Internship program
List of companies hiring CBC graduates
Toyota Motor Asia Pacific Engineering and Manufacturing Co., Ltd., JF Oberlin University, Hitachi Transport System Indonesia, LOTTEJTB, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd, r, Senshu University, POSCO, Hyundai Motor Company Ltd., Suntory Holdings Limited, Shenyang Municipal People’s Government, HongKongToshiba International Procurement Hong Kong Ltd., Mizuho Securities Asia Limited, Denso (Thailand) Co., Ltd, Kobe Steel, Ltd. / Yokohama City Hall staff / Magtronics Co., Ltd. / Kobayashi Kako Co., Ltd. / GKN Driveline Japan Co., Ltd. / QP Corporation / Kato Manufacturing Co., Ltd. HIS/ NISSAN TRADING JAPAN.,LTD. /Rakuten/UNIQLO, etc.